7 Practical Steps to Turn Your Passion Into Career

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A career without passion is like dragging a cart on a rough road and with passion it is like flying high in the sky. A career with passion shoots up any normal activity to an outstanding level.

Many of us know what we want to do, what our dream job is, what exactly makes us happy but we don’t know how to turn our passion into career and we keep convincing ourselves that there is no possible way to pursue our passion; it’s full of risk and struggle. And because of fear of failure we just follow our mundane routine of living-: going to work; getting married; having kids.

Stop pretending! Almost nothing great has ever been achieved without passion. A job done passionately is always paradigm to its kind. Doing something to which you are passionate and figuring out a way to make life worth living is above all.

In 2020 we have plenty of career options and it is never been so easy to turn your passion into a career. Here are 7 practical steps to turn your passion into career.

1. Make a list of your interest to explore

At very first you’ve to dwell inside and access yourself in term of your interest, skill and personality. Take a pen and a sheet of paper write down all in which you’ve interest. Don’t rush to list out; take your time to decide. Look around yourself, look what others have discovered as their passion because maybe someone’s passion explores your hidden passion.

2. Scrutinize your list

After that, you’ve to examine your list closely, study it deeply and choose one from them for your career aspect. Before selecting your career you need to ask few questions to yourself are as:

  • Are you confident and comfortable to put your energy and time to achieve it?
  • What is the future Scope?
  • Does it fit your financial conditions?
  • Does it have the advantage of guidance and support from your family and friends?


3. Do research and Gather information

Once you make a decision, now you need to collect complete information about how you pursue it. Search on the internet and consult who are already in this career. Find out what training or courses require or helpful to begin your career.
For example, if you want to build a career in travel and tourism then you need to find out which degree and diploma courses will help you to find a job in the same.
example if you want to be a photographer you must know the basic of photography like how the digital camera works, knowledge of composition and technique etc.

4. Identify your goal

Once you have enough information about your career, identify your long-term and short-term goals.

  • Short term goal is like- select proper training and educations, develop skills and get experience.
  • The long-term goal is like- something you want to accomplish in the next five years in your career.  For example: Having your own business


5. Draw the outline 

Write down all the steps that you will have to take to achieve your career goals. Summarize all the information in an organized way and make a proper plan which guides you to start your career and achieve your short and long-term goals.

6. Put your plan into action

Now your plan needs an action. Once you have decided your career goal and have a plan to achieve it. Now it’s time to put all these things into action. It is better to break your goal into a number of small goals as it makes things quite easy and after achieving every small goal when you see what you accomplished so far it will motivate you to keep going.

7. Never give up

Follow your passion with the spirit of never giving up. Because success doesn’t come easily it requires a lot of hard work and patience. You may fail in your first attempt but don’t give up keep trying until you succeed.

Related Article: How To Start A Career in Travel And Tourism


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